How is a Network Code developed ?
Scoping Phase
Upon initiative of the European Commission, ACER performs the scoping exercise and the draft of the Framework Guidelines for the Network Code
Timeframe: 6 months
Official Request Phase
European Commission gives mandate to DSO Entity and ENTSO-E to jointly develop a proposal of Network Code
Drafting Phase
DSO Entity and ENTSO-E draft a proposal of Network Code and submit it to ACER
Timeframe: 6 months
Stakeholders are involved in the process
Final Stage
ACER and the European Commission review and finalise the Network Code
Timeframe: 6 months
Network Code (Regulation) enters into
force and is directly applicable
in Member States
Beyond working on the development of Network Codes, DSO Entity is engaged in other delegated tasks connected to its mandate provided under the Electricity Market Regulation 2019/943/EU
DSO Entity work streams on technical files
Implementation of Network Code Cybersecurity
(Article 59 of the Electricity Market Regulation 2019/943/EU)
Development of Network Code Demand Response
Set-up of Joint Working Group with ENTSO-E on data role model (Art. 23 & 24 of the Electricity Market Directive 2019/944/EU)
Network Codes
Amendment of Network Codes Grid Connection (Art. 60 of the Electricity Market Regulation 2019/943/EU)
Digitalisation of the energy system
Development of Digital Twin and Smart Grid Indicators with ENTSO-E (Art. 55(d) of the Electricity Market Regulation 2019/943/EU)
Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP)
Contribute to the development of TYNDP scenarios by ENTSO-E (Art. 55(2b) & 57(1) of the Electricity Market Regulation 2019/943/EU)
Planned Public Consultations
Welcome to our consultation dedicated area. DSO ENTITY values the opinion and the contributions of key stakeholders on different topics. For this reason, we are pleased to offer on our platform a transparent on-line tool for consultations related to the drafting process on major thematic we work here at DSO Entity. Among them: network codes, Ten-Year Network Development Plans (TYNDP), Data Interoperability, Flexibility and many more.
Please find below open and past consultations.
You can submit your contribution clicking on any open consultation available on this page.
Open Consultations
Closed Consultations
Public Consultation on the Network Code Demand Response draft
Based on Article 59(9) of the Regulation (EU) 2019/943, on 9 March 2023 the EU Commission invited DSO Enti...
Learn more