Become an observer
Who can become Observer?
To become Observer to the DSO Entity Board, national association needs to fulfill the following requirement:
The association is recognized by its Member State as an association representing DSOs pursuant to article 52(1) par. 2 of Regulation 2019/943 on the internal market for electricity, which states: “Registered members may participate in the EU DSO entity directly or be represented by a national association designated by the Member State or by a Union-level association.” This recognition needs to be confirmed by a letter originating from its Member State. You can request this letter at the Ministry of your country.
Admittance of Observers is subject to approval of the Board of Directors.
What does the membership include?
- Reception of monthly newsletter with updates on DSO Entity activities
- Possibility to be involved in national and international events
- Being informed on latest developments on the legislation processes
- Possibility to contribute to Public Consultations opened by the European Commission, stakeholders and DSO Entity itself
- Participating in the Board Meetings with non-voting capacity
- Represent your DSO members in the General Assembly via proxy
Being a DSO Entity Observer is free of charge.
Interested in becoming a DSO Entity Observer?
Please contact the Secretariat at the following address: