DSO Entity presented before the holiday break its Technical Vision, with which it aims to establish unified framework and common language among DSOs, to guide a new system-of-systems to emerge that not only serves customers with a reliable, affordable and sustainable system but also strengthens the competitiveness for European industry.
As the EU Green Deal accelerates the transformation of Europe’s energy system towards a more electrified, decentralised and customer centric system, DSOs are evolving to meet new demands, including the future connection of almost the totality of RES, EV charging infrastructure and heat pumps in Europe.
In this context, DSOs are fully committed to expanding and smartening their systems to align with future energy needs. This is why DSO Entity worked to identify core development areas leveraging on DSO current strengths, creating a Vision that has the purpose of deliver value to customers and society at large.
Based on the outcome of the Technical Vision, some of the core areas DSOs will work on are:
- Investments: maximising the value for society with efficient and timely investments expanding and smartening the distribution system.
- Resilience & Climate adaptation: adapting the system to ensure access to electricity during extreme weather events, contributing with sustainable DSO models and protecting customer data and system integrity with robust cybersecurity.
- Market Facilitation: unlocking the potential of flexibility, empowering active grid users, maintaining reliability, and enhancing efficiency of the system.
This Vision is also a call to cooperation for European stakeholders to work together towards serving European customers while:
- Increased cooperation with ENTSO-E for an efficient system operation, market integration, planning and investment.
- Close collaboration with the European Commission and ACER to enable forward-looking regulatory adjustments that align the power system with society’s transition towards a net-zero energy future.
- Close collaboration with all system players to ensure a competitive, resilient, efficient, and customer-centric power system that reinforces Europe’s industrial leading in the global energy transition.
The Technical Vision is available following this link. For any questions regarding the document, please contact the Secretariat (Responsible for the project Carlos Castel (Carlos.castel@eudsoentity.eu)