DSO Entity publishes its Guidance on the EU permitting-related provisions on grid and renewable energy projects

On 9 January, DSO Entity published its Permitting Paper providing guidance on EU permitting-related provisions on grid and renewable energy projects. 

As part of the Fitfor55 package and the RePowerEU, new provisions were introduced to simplify and accelerate permitting procedures in the EU in order to speed up the deployment of renewables in Europe. Yet, the implementation of these provisions is lagging behind in most Member States. 

As highlighted in the EU Grid Action Plan, permitting has become a growing challenge for the achievement of EU’s Green Deal objectives and is relevant not only for RES project developers but also for grids. With 70% of the new renewable capacity to be connected to the distribution grid by 2030, DSOs are facing a massive increase in requests to connect RES to the network, which often entails the expansion or reinforcement of grid infrastructure. DSOs must hence apply for subsequent grid infrastructure permits that can take up to 8 to 10 years for medium- and high-voltage networks.  

As a key actor supporting the European Commission in the Grid Action Plan’s implementation, DSO Entity worked on this paper with the Country Expert Group to assist with the delivery of Action Point 11 on the support of the applications of the permitting rules from the Renewable Energy Directive. 

In brief, DSO Entity’s Permitting Paper: 

  • Highlights the relevance of the permitting topic for grids and the related obstacles faced by DSOs; 
  • Make an assessment of the EU’s latest permitting provisions; 
  • Provides key recommendations on what is needed from a DSO perspective; 
  • Shares DSOs good practices on different dimensions of the permitting process.


Read our Permitting Paper

For more information, please check DSO Entity’s Response to Targeted Consultation on Dedicated Grid Areas (RED, Art. 15e)

For questions: please contact: Claire Vandewalle, Advisor – Strategy & Regulatory Affairs (claire.vandewalle@eudsoentity.eu