DSO Entity toward the integration of Gas: where we are and next steps

On 21 May, the Council adopted the Electricity Market Design Reform (EMD) and the Decarbonised Gas and Hydrogen Market Package. The Decarbonised Gas Regulation of the package is highly relevant for DSO Entity as it provides for the integration of gas (and hydrogen) DSOs within DSO Entity (see Art. 39-41).  This means that DSO Entity will be the sole DSO organisation developing Network Codes together with its respective TSO counterparts ENTSO-E (electricity), ENTSO-G (gas) and the newly created ENNOH (Hydrogen). The enlarged membership and tasks will strengthen the visibility of DSOs on European level to the benefit of all DSOs. DSO Entity’s existing structure and achievements give confidence to accomplish the challenging integration task in close consultation with gas associations , whilst in parallel securing the current priorities of DSO Entity.

Next steps:

The Gas Regulation will be directly applicable In Member States six months following its publication. Anticipating the integration of gas- and hydrogen-DSOs, the Board of DSO Entity has recently discussed and approved the project structure to work on this. This includes a Working Structure with various Task Forces and a Sounding Committee at the Board level. The Task Forces have already been composed and will now work jointly with experts from 4 associations representing gas-DSOs (Eurogas, GD4S, Geode and Cedec) supported by a Progamme Coordinator to prepare proposals and options. The Sounding Committee will be a joint platform for reflections and advice. Final decision-making will run through the usual procedures at the level of the Board and General Assembly of DSO Entity after having received ACER and European Commission’s opinions on the draft statutes. The aim is to launch the integration in Q4/2025.