DSOs submit contribution to ACER-CEER’s public consultation on the existing European Electricity Grid Connection Network Codes (GCC NCs)

On 10 June 2022, DSO Entity together with the four DSOs associations (CEDEC, E.DSO, Eurelectric, and GEODE) submitted their combined reply to the public consultation opened by the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) on the amendment of the existing Network Codes on Grid Connection (GCC NCs).

Proposed by the European Commission and opened by ACER and CEER, the consultation initiated in September 2022 looks at the process of amending the existing European Grid Connection Network Codes (GC NCs), focusing on the Network Codes on the Requirements for Generators (RfG) and Demand Connection (DCC). It aims to collect feedback from stakeholders on a Policy Paper on the GC NCs and the possible amendments, drafted by ACER and CEER.

Click here to read the common reply.