Press Release: Creation of DSO Entity

Today (6 May) marks the official launch of DSO Entity, a new association for the European Distribution System Operators (DSOs). DSO Entity’s work has officially started following its first General Assembly meeting. Its mission is to increase efficiency in the electricity distribution networks in the EU and ensure close cooperation with the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and ENTSO-E.

The Constitutive Assembly was closely followed by the first meeting of the DSO Entity Board of Directors, the executive body of the association. President Vincenzo Ranieri (E-Distribuzione SpA), newly elected by the Board pending final endorsement from the second meeting of the General Assembly on 30 June 2021, said: “An important step has been taken today in setting up an active platform for the electricity DSOs. This comes at the right time given the challenges that need to be addressed by our industry and which will allow the electricity DSOs to contribute actively to achieving the EUs’ climate neutrality goals. I am looking forward to collaborating with my colleagues on the board and make this a success.”

Three Vice-Presidents were elected, reflecting the diversity of the DSO landscape.

  • Stefan Sedin (Jämtkraft Elnät AB)
  • Sylvain Gomont (SRD, Energie Vienne)
  • Johan Mörnstam (E.ON Észak-dunántúli Áramhálózati Zrt.)