Background information:
In accordance with Article 19e of the (EU) 2019/943 which entered into force with the (EU) 2024/1724, Electricity Market Design Reform (EMDR), DSO Entity and ENTSO-E have been entrusted to define the data type, the data format, and develop the methodology for the analysis of the flexibility needs (Flexibility Needs Assessment Methodology or FNA methodology) that each electricity distribution system operators (DSOs) transmission system operators (TSOs) will provide their national regulatory authority or designated authority or entity.
DSO Entity and ENTSO-E established a joint task force to carry out their legal mandate by the 17 of April 2025, while engaging with key stakeholders. This public consultation allows all interested parties to submit their opinions on the FNA methodology draft, further ensuring transparency.
Short description of the Public Consultation: The objective of this consultation is to receive feedback on the joint DSO Entity and ENTSO-E FNA methodology draft. This consultation is addressed to various stakeholders and any interested partieS.
The public consultation as well as relevant material, such as explanatory notes, are accessible via this link. Only feedback received via the consultation platform within the consultation period will be considered.
Next steps: The draft methodology under consultation will be presented during a public webinar on November 15th, from 12:00 to 13:00 (CET). You can register using this link.
Feedback and replies will be published: Soon after the end of the consultation period, the DSO Entity and ENTSO-E will consolidate the eligible feedback and address it. Relevant and pragmatic feedback may be incorporated in the methodology.
A second public webinar will be planned in the course of the next few months. More details will follow.
Supporting documents: