TSO-DSO Challenges and Opportunities for the Digital Electricity System
Anticipatory Investments: An initial regulatory discussion
Guidance on EU permitting-related provisions on grid and renewable energy projects
Provisional List of Union-wide high-impact and critial-impact processes
Supporting document for the methodologies for the provisional list of Union-wide high-impact and critical-impact processes
DSO Entity Reply to EC Targeted Consultation on Dedicated Grid Areas (RED, Art. 15e)
Grid Action Plan: Joint Commitment for Resilient European Manufacturing
Joint Statement DSO Entity Eurelectric E.DSO on Clean Transition Dialogue on European Green Deal on Infrastructures
DSO Entity and the Year of Skills factsheet
Re-signing of Joint Declaration for enhancing consumers protection
EU DSO Entity – Rules of procedure on consultations
Comments on DG ENER’s version of the Network Code on Cybersecurity
Observations on: Electricity Market Design Proposals, 21 April 2023