
Technical Vision 2024
Guidance on EU permitting-related provisions on grid and renewable energy projects
Implementation of Action 7 in the EU Action Plan for Grids: DSO/TSO Technopedia
Provisional List of Union-wide high-impact and critial-impact processes
Supporting document for the methodologies for the provisional list of Union-wide high-impact and critical-impact processes
DSO Entity Reply to EC Targeted Consultation on Dedicated Grid Areas (RED, Art. 15e)
EC Targeted Consultation on Dedicated Grid Areas
Grid Action Plan: Joint Commitment for Resilient European Manufacturing
Provisional ECII
JOINT STATEMENT: DSO Entity together with a coalition of 16 European cross-sectoral (energy) associations collectively calls for putting distribution grids at the center of attention of the European agenda for the next five years
DSO Entity Statutes
COMMISSION OPINION of 25.11.2020 on the statutory documents on the establishment of the EU DSO Entity
OPINION N 05/2020 OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AGENCY FOR THE COOPERATION OF ENERGY REGULATORS of 25 August 2020 on the statutory documents on the establishment of the EU DSO Entity
Joint Statement – Moving towards the creation of the DSO Entity: statutes submitted for approval to ACER and European Commission