Joint Statement DSO Entity Eurelectric E.DSO on Clean Transition Dialogue on European Green Deal on Infrastructures
DSO Entity and the Year of Skills factsheet
Re-signing of Joint Declaration for enhancing consumers protection
EU DSO Entity – Rules of procedure on consultations
Comments on DG ENER’s version of the Network Code on Cybersecurity
Observations on: Electricity Market Design Proposals, 21 April 2023
TSO-DSO Challenges and Opportunities for the Digital Electricity System
Anticipatory Investments: An initial regulatory discussion
Guidance on EU permitting-related provisions on grid and renewable energy projects
Provisional List of Union-wide high-impact and critial-impact processes
Supporting document for the methodologies for the provisional list of Union-wide high-impact and critical-impact processes
DSO Entity Reply to EC Targeted Consultation on Dedicated Grid Areas (RED, Art. 15e)
Grid Action Plan: Joint Commitment for Resilient European Manufacturing