
Memorandum of Understanding between DSO Entity and ENTSO-E
Results Board Election
DSO Entity Statutes
COMMISSION OPINION of 25.11.2020 on the statutory documents on the establishment of the EU DSO Entity
OPINION N 05/2020 OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AGENCY FOR THE COOPERATION OF ENERGY REGULATORS of 25 August 2020 on the statutory documents on the establishment of the EU DSO Entity
Joint Statement – Moving towards the creation of the DSO Entity: statutes submitted for approval to ACER and European Commission
TSO-DSO Challenges and Opportunities for the Digital Electricity System
Anticipatory Investments: An initial regulatory discussion
DSO Entity Annual Work Programme 2025
Technical Vision 2024
Guidance on EU permitting-related provisions on grid and renewable energy projects
Implementation of Action 7 in the EU Action Plan for Grids: DSO/TSO Technopedia
Provisional List of Union-wide high-impact and critial-impact processes
Supporting document for the methodologies for the provisional list of Union-wide high-impact and critical-impact processes
DSO Entity Reply to EC Targeted Consultation on Dedicated Grid Areas (RED, Art. 15e)
Grid Action Plan: Joint Commitment for Resilient European Manufacturing