
DSO Entity toward the integration of Gas: where we are and next steps

On 21 May, the Council adopted the Electricity Market Design Reform (EMD) and the Decarbonised Gas and Hydrogen Market Package....

Taking stock of the Grid Action Plan

What is the Grid Action Plan? 2023 was the year of the “Grid momentum”, which welcomed initiatives and declarations at...

Delivering the Fit for 55: How to face the grid capacity challenges? | Take-aways from DSO Entity’s 12 April webinar

On 12 April, DSO Entity hosted the first webinar of its series dedicated to the outcomes of its paper entitled...

DSO Entity welcomed Anca-Iulia Cimpeanu (DG ENER) to discuss the Grid Action Plan with its members

On 9 February, DSO Entity had the privilege of hosting Anca-Iulia Cimpeanu, Deputy Head of Unit C4 at DG ENER,...

DSO Entity published its factsheet on the labour and skill shortages in the energy sector after a yearlong campaign

In 2023, DSO Entity conducted an online side-campaign to the European Commission’s Year of Skills, with the objective to inform...

Intense week for DSO Entity between the PCI Energy Days and Enlit Europe

DSO Entity just concluded an intense week of work between the 4th PCI Energy Days in Brussels and Enlit Europe...

DSO Entity held on November 17 its first Annual Event “DSO’s Fit for 55 – Shedding light on best practices for connecting solar PV”

“DSOs are moving from passive distributors to active managers and energy transition’s enablers.” Paula Pinho, European Commission On 17 November...

Call for members of the stakeholders’ panels for the Task Forces of the Joint Working Group on Data Interoperability

The Implementing Act (EU) C(2023)3477 of 6.6.2023 opened the possibility for DSO Entity and ENTSO-E to support the European Commission...