
DSO Entity Grid Connection Paper

November, 17 2023 download
Re-signing of Joint Declaration for enhancing consumers protection

October, 23 2023 download
EU DSO Entity – Rules of procedure on consultations

September, 21 2023 download
Pact for Enlargement - Grid Action Plan ANNEX II

September, 07 2023
Comments on DG ENER's version of the Network Code on Cybersecurity

June, 15 2023 download
DSO Entity Annual Plan 2023

May, 10 2023 download
Observations on: Electricity Market Design Proposals, 21 April 2023

May, 03 2023 download
IEM Consultation - Official submission

February, 13 2023 download
DSO Entity selected questions_IEM consultation

February, 13 2023 download